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Angelova, Maria, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Faculty of Geodesy, University of Architecture, Civil engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria (Bulgaria)
Angelova, Maria, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Faculty of Geodesy, University of Architecture, Civil engineering and Geodesy, Sofia (Bulgaria)
Angrisano, Antonio, G. Fortunato University, Benevento (Italy)
Antipov, Stanislav Olegovič, Department of Socio-Economic Geography, Geoinformatics and Tourism, North-Caucasus Federal University (Russian Federation)
Antolović, Andrija, National Protection and Rescue Directorate, Nehajska 5, 10000 Zagreb (Croatia)
Antolović, Andrija (Croatia)
Anželak, Anita, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Jamova 2, 1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Bačić, Željko, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy, Zagreb, Croatia (Croatia)
Bačić, Željko
Bačić, Željko, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Geodetski fakultet (Croatia)
Bačić, Željko (Croatia)
Bačić, Željko, University of Zagreb Faculty of Geodesy Kačićeva 26, HR-10000 Zagreb (Croatia)
Ban, Juraj, Volunteer Fire Department Buzin, Buzinska cesta 20, 10010 Zagreb (Croatia)
Bandrova, Temenoujka, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and GEodesy, Faculty of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography (Bulgaria)
Bandrova, Temenoujka, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Department of Photogrammetry and Cartography, 1 , Chr. Smirnenski Blvd. Sofia (Bulgaria)
Bandrova, Temenoujka (Bulgaria)
Bandrova, Temenoujka, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Department of Photogrammetry and Cartography, bul. "Hristo Smirnenski" 1, 1046 g.k. Lozenets, Sofia (Bulgaria)
Banić, Martina (Croatia)
Baranović, Mirta (Croatia)
Barborič, Blaž (Slovenia)
Baričević, Vladimir, State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia (Croatia)
Barković, Đuro, University of Zagreb Faculty of Geodesy Kačićeva 26, HR-10000 Zagreb (Croatia)
Barković, Đuro (Croatia)
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