The monograph Ruđer Bošković i geoznanosti / Ruđer Bošković and the Geosciences
The monograph Ruđer Bošković i geoznanosti / Ruđer Bošković and the Geosciences was published at the begenning of 2016. The editor was Prof. Dr. Miljenko Lapaine, and the publishers were the Faculty of Geodesy of the Univeristy ofZagreb, State Geodetic Administration, and the Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers. The book is A4
format, hardcover, contains 363 pages, all texts are in Croatian and English language, ISBN 978-953-6082-14-8.
This monograph, after a foreword and an editorial, begins with facsimiles of two of Bošković's early works, with Croatian and English translations: De veterum argumentis pro telluris sphaericitate dissertatio (On the arguments of the ancients for the sphericity of the Earth),
1739, and Dissertatio de telluris figura (A dissertation on the shape of the Earth), 1744, also published for the first time in 1739.
Copyright (c) 2016 Miljenko Lapaine

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