From Journals
From the field of cartography and geoinformation, there are journal’s article extracts given which are not cartographic first and whose complete texts are on the Internet, accessible to the members of Croatian academic and research community. Most journals can be accessed through the PERO browser (http://knjiznica.irb.hr/pero/index.php). For the journals not found through this browser, the complete texts of the mentioned articles are available for free on the given web-address. Next to every journal headline, in the brackets, it is noted which prominent bibliographic and quotation bases it is placed in: CC (Current Contents), SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded), and SSCI (Social Science Citation Index). It should be noted that, for some journals accessible through PERO browser, there is a delay of 6, 12 and even 18 months in accessing the newest issues. This number is given in the brackets next to the journal’s headline.
Bullettin of the GSI (Geospatial Information Authority of Japan)
K. Kawase: A general formula for calculating meridian arc length and its application to coordinate conversion in the Gauss-Krüger projection, Vol. 59, December 2011.
K. Kawase: Concise derivation of extensive coordinate conversion formulae in the Gauss-Krüger projection, Vol. 60, December 2012.
Coordinates (A monthly magazine on positioning, navigation and beyond)
T. Nagayama, K. Inaba, T. Hayashi, H: Nakai: Responding to the great east Japan earthquake, 2012, 12.
J. SF Fabic: Data integration and sharing for disaster management, 2012, 12.
D. Ampatzidis: Datum transformations using exclusively geodetic curvilinear coordinates without height information, 2012, 12.
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
R. Cellmer, A. Senetra, A. Szczepanska: Land value maps of naturally valuable areas, 2012, 3.
Geopolitics (CC, SSCI) (12)
J. Strandsbjerg: Cartopolitics, geopolitics and boundaries in the Arctic, 2012, 4.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
(CC, SCIE, SSCI) (12)
H. Fan, L. Meng: A three-step approach of simplifying 3D buildings modeled by CityGML, 2012, 6.
D. Hardy, J. Frew, M. F. Goodchild: Volunteered geographic information production as a spatial process, 2012, 7.
P. Taillandier, J. Gaffuri: Improving map generalisation with new pruning heuristics, 2012, 7.
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
P. Neis, A. Zipf: Analyzing the contributor activity of a volunteered geographic information project — The case of OpenStreetMap, 2012, 2.
P. Neis, M. Goetz, A. Zipf: Towards automatic vandalism detection in OpenStreetMap, 2012, 3.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (CC, SCIE)
J-H. Haunert: A symmetry detector for map generalization and urban-space analysis, Vol. 74, November 2012.
Journal of Historical Geography (CC, SSC) (12)
D. Fedman, C. Karacas: A cartographic fade to black: mapping the destruction of urban Japan during World War II, 2012, 3.
M. Yilmaz: Historical mosque orientation in Turkey: Central-Western Anatolia Region, 1150‒1590, 2012, 4.
Landscape Ecology (CC, SCIE)
J. Liang: Mapping large-scale forest dynamics: a geospatial approach, 2012, 8.
Naše more
I. Pavić: Geografsko-informacijski sustav i model razvoja pomorskoga katastra, 2012, 5-6.
Remote Sensing of Environment (CC, SCIE)
N. Levin, A. Heimowitz: Mapping spatial and temporal patterns of Mediterranean wildfires from MODIS, Vol. 126 November 2012.
Tehnički vjesnik (SCIE)
R. Župan, D. Sruk, S. Frangeš: Experiment for determination of map graphics segment standard for handheld crisis maps management, 2012, 4.
URISA Journal
M. Martin, B. Peters, J. Corbett: Participatory asset mapping in the Lake Victoria Basin of Kenya, 2012, 2.
P. A. Johnson, R. E. Sieber: Increasing access to and use of geospatial data by municipal government and citizens: the process of “Geomatization” in rural Québec, 2012, 2.
A. Poplin: Web-based PPGIS for Wilhelmsburg, Germany: An integration of interactive GIS-based maps with an online questionnaire, 2012, 2.
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